Michał Lewartowicz Quartet feat. Adam Wendt - Inspirations (SJRecords 053)
Michał Lewartowicz Quartet feat. Adam Wendt - Inspirations is a tribute to fusion-jazz music of the ‘80s. Michal has been inspired by great guitarists of this genre, such as Mike Stern, Allan Holdsworth, Scott Henderson and Pat Metheny, whose music shaped his style and sound. He embraces compact and ordered forms, which are related to his personality - as his wife and friends say he is an “ordered individual”. He would like to express his gratitude to everyone who contributed to the creation of this album. He would especially would like to thank his family for their support. He would also like to thank the great musicians who agreed to record his compositions as well as all the sponsors and patrons, who helped him in completing this project.
In the pieces included in this record Michal aimed to find a balance between peace and energy and assure that his music will be intriguing not only to the Jazz lovers. He had a great pleasure of working with an extremely talented saxophonist Adam Wendt who had previously worked with many famous jazzmen and creators of pop music such as: Ewa Bem, Krystyna Pronko, Grzegorz Ciechowski, Lora Szafran, Mieczyslaw Szcześniak, Krzesimir Dębski, Michal Urbaniak, Urszula Dudziak and Bogdan Hołowning. Adam also had a pleasure of recording and performing with international jazz superstars such as Randy Brecker, Bill Evans, Mike Stern, Eric Marienthal, Mino Cinelu, Frank Gambale, David Fiuczynski and Dean Brown
Overall this is a perfect Fusion album, that fans of the idiom will love to bits for sure. The music is catchy, the playing impressive and professional, and it is fun to listen to. It is definitely a solid debut album, reflecting the inspirations that guided Lewartowicz so far.
Adam Baruch (www.adambaruch.com)
"Inspirations is a musical showcase of Michał Lewartowicz. The music is recorded exceptionally well, produced with careful attention to dynamics and dramaturgy of the whole, tailored to a wider audience."
Jazz Forum, Mary Zimny.
Adam Wendt - saksofony (utwory nr: 02, 03, 04, 05, 07)
Michał Lewartowicz - gitara
Rafał Czarnacki - instrumenty klawiszowe
Jarosław Żarnowski - gitara basowa
Paweł Nowak - perkusja
Michał Lewartowicz Quartet feat Adam Wendt - Inspirations is a tribute to fusion-jazz music of the ‘80s. I’ve been inspired by great guitarists of this genre, such as Mike Stern, Allan Holdsworth, Scott Henderson and Pat Metheny, whose music shaped my style and sound. I embrace compact and ordered forms, which are related to my personality - as my wife and friends say I'm a “planned person”. I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who contributed to the creation of this album. I especially would like to thank my family for their support. I would also like to thank the great musicians who agreed to record my compositions as well as all the sponsors and patrons, who helped me to complete this project.
In the pieces included in this record I aimed to find a balance between peace and energy and assure that my music will be intriguing not only to the Jazz lovers. I had a great pleasure of working with an extremely talented saxophonist Adam Wendt who had previously worked with many famous jazzmen and creators of pop music such as: Ewa Bem, Krystyna Pronko, Grzegorz Ciechowski, Lora Szafran, Mieczyslaw Szcześniak, Krzesimir Dębski, Michal Urbaniak, Urszula Dudziak and Bogdan Hołowning. Adam also had a pleasure of recording and performing with international jazz superstars such as Randy Brecker, Bill Evans, Mike Stern, Eric Marienthal, Mino Cinelu, Frank Gambale, David Fiuczynski and Dean Brown
Graphic design - NuDesign
Original photos - Tomasz Młynarczyk
Thanks to Miasto Lublin for support